Saturday, August 24, 2019

Involvement of the Intracellular Signal Integrating Proteins Calcyon Essay

Involvement of the Intracellular Signal Integrating Proteins Calcyon and Spinophilin - Essay Example Results showed that calcyon and spinophilin transcripts were significantly higher in the thalamus of patients with schizophrenia. They concluded that, as discovered in other research, the dopamine system shows as abnormal in schizophrenia cases, but these abnormalities were due to intracellular integration where dopamine signaling with other neurotransmitter systems was dysfunctional, So it is not only the action of dopamine agonists or antagonists which impact, but the cellular activity which contributes to the illness. This scientific piece of writing encompasses so many areas of medical knowledge that it demands several readings to make sense of each point. However, it is fully detailed and demonstrates how the researchers used a stringent methodology, adhered to ethical and confidential practice and met their objective, as evidenced by the findings. It just seemed to take a long time and a great deal of narrative to produce the relevant information. They were honest as to limitations identified, such as age and antipsychotic drug use, the latter of which might have affected results, though this was considered unlikely.

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